
Marmalade the Cat by India (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there was a cat called Marmalade.  She loved my bedroom because it was nice, comfy and pretty. My bedroom has lots of cat toys that Marmalade can play with.  She is very cuddly and cute but she does scratch a little bit. My friend came over for tea yesterday to play with Marmalade but she suddenly scratched her and it hurt her. Marmalade went up to my bedroom and snuggled in her bed. I think she felt bad. Then Marmalade came downstairs to say sorry in a cat way. She knew she had done something wrong.

Ultra Joshua by Joshua (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Joshua. He was 6 years old and he was very brave and very curious. Joshua was an astronaut and he went to the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Then he was a knight and struck bad guys in their tummies. When he was striking the bad guys he knocked one right out of the Kingdom. He used a really powerful axe that could make earthquakes. Joshua was playing on his tablet and then he jumped into the game. It was Minecraft and it was survival and he destroyed all the mobs.

Journey of the Torch by Ben (Mole Class)

Once upon a time there was a boy who had an old, black torch.  One day he went outside in the dark with his old, black torch. Suddenly he heard a ferocious ROAR! He wanted to find out what it was. Oh! He must have dropped the torch on the way. Oh! There it is! As soon as he picked the torch up it made funny sounds. Then the torch exploded in a puff of smoke and then the smoke turned into a genie!! Then he said the roar was a prank from me. What a shock it was!

A Dragon Hero by Toby (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there were loads of dragons living on a big island and they were very happy.  One was called Lloyd.  He was black toothless dragon with razor sharp claws.  One day he got captured by a catapult fired by a tribe wanting to make a dragon army.  They took him to a spiky island and put him in a titanium cage.  Then after a few days a dragon hero came to rescue him from the spiky island!  His name was John and he sailed to the island on a big ship and they were best friends forever.

Brrr! by Mrs Gadd

Once upon a time there was a snowman called Sid.  He was a happy snowman and loved nothing more than when the children came out and played in their garden with him.  Each day they would give him a fresh, carrot nose and a new set of smart buttons for his snowy coat. He felt so lucky.  However, when the snow kept falling and getting deeper, Sid started to feel very chilly and then as the hours passed, he felt extremely cold indeed.  For the first time in his life Sid wished for a hot, sunny day. Was that wise?!

A Magical Mermaid by Elodie (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy and she had a fish tank. There were a lot of fish in it. One day a magical mermaid appeared. She was very beautiful but also very mean, so she put a magical spell on the fish and they disappeared! The mermaid then put a spell on Lucy but Lucy broke through it. Then the mermaid grew ugly but she also turned into a lovely person. Lucy and the mermaid talked for a long time and became best friends. Then the fish magically appeared in the tank! Lucy had her fish back and a lovely new mermaid friend.

Children Save The Day by Mrs Hayes

Once Upon a Time...there was a magical school where children travelled from all over the kingdom to come and learn how to become witches and wizards. The children loved their magnificent school. One day, an evil wizard put a wicked spell on the school. He froze all the teachers mid-lesson so that they were stuck in the middle of a maths problem, or with one leg in the air during P.E! The children worked together to create a powerful spell to break the wicked wizard’s spell and free the teachers. The teachers rewarded the children with a mufti!

Super Baby by Calder (Bumblebee Class)

Once upon a time there was a baby boy called Tom. He was a special baby because he could walk and talk. As he could do these things, he travelled to many places. To get to these places he travelled in a helicopter. When he gets to these places he helps people who have hurt themselves skiing and sledging. He helps them by taking them to hospital and caring for them. After they get better in hospital they get back in the car and he drives them back home. Then they have a yummy treat and a warm hot chocolate.

A Kitten called Caramel by Sophie (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there was a girl called Lily. On a street there was a box of kittens for sale. Lily took a kitten and named her Caramel. Lily took her home and Caramel put her muddy paws on the sofa. Lily’s mum was very cross. The next day Caramel had gone missing. Lily looked everywhere, under cars, in bushes, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Then they suddenly found her stuck up a tree. They used a long ladder to climb up and reach the kitten. Finally they brought her down. Lily was so happy to have found her.

Dance, Dance, Dance by Mrs Cook

Once upon a time there was a girl called Emily. She loved to dance and dreamt of becoming a ballerina. She would practise every minute of every day. One day she saw an advert for a local dance competition and decided to enter it. At last the day of the competition arrived, excitedly Emily and her Mum drove to the hall where it was being held. Finally, she was down to the last three. She danced the best dance of her life, and won the competition! She was so happy and smiled all the way home, along with her trophy.

The boy who made a friend by Harry (Otter Class)

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Sammy Joonisa who liked to play computer games. One day one of the computer characters jumped out of the TV. He said let's play and Sammy said yes let's play in the pool. It was a hot day and they both jumped in the pool and swam. They played all day and nobody could see the computer character, only Sammy. All of a sudden, the computer character vanished in a bit of smoke. Sammy waited and waited every day for him to come back to play but he never did.

Never throw rubbish everywhere again!!! by Ayden (Bumblebee Class)

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tom. He loved throwing rubbish everywhere. One day when he was in the park, he found something glowing.........when he touched  it, a magic door appeared! So he gone into it and it took him to a forest. The forest was under the sea full of rubbish everywhere. The fish was stuck by a glass and the turtle was hurt by a can. They kept shouting for help! Tom saw that and felt very sad so he decided to clean up all the rubbish and never threw rubbish everywhere again.